Hamdard university has taken significant measures by establishing a dedicated International Office which supplements it’s educational philosophy along with academic curriculum.
The International Office is presently strengthening it’s international collaboration with various universities, in terms of MOUs and bilateral agreement for exchange student, staff mobility program and research collaboration at university and faculty level.
Further, with an objective to amplify the lessons with hands-on real-world experiences that open student’s mind and help them become more well rounded, Hamdard University International Office (HUIO) will arrange international educational your all round the year with student centered itineraries, and -above all else- fun. The tour will help students for the real world and serves as a catalysts for ever-expanding growth back home.
To provide wide ranging educational opportunities on and beyond our campuses.
-Shaheed Hakim Mohammad Said
To built global partnership with leading universities, educational bodies and organizations for quality student engagement.
Officer – International Office io@hamdard.edu.pk
Hamdard University International Office (HUIO) is all set to contribute through diversity in pursuit of education, learning research and internalization to reach the highest levels of excellence.
MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING (MoU) between EVOLUTION AND HAMDARD UNIVERSITY signed on June 12, 2024 to implement the English Works Program from July to December 2024. A project fully sponsored by the Regional English Language Office (RELO) at the U.S. Mission in Pakistan. Project of Regional English Language Office – RELO Pakistan at U.S. Mission of Pakistan Implemented by Evolution
Duration: 6 Months
July 1st to December 31st, 2024.
No of Students: 75
Males (37) and Females (38)
To explore the possibilities of research collaboration between members of HUIC-Pakistan and China. Following members attended the Meeting.
1) Prof. Zhao Yufen, Academician, Chinese, Director, Institute of Drug Discovery Technology, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China (Head of delegation, Academy of Sciences, 2) Prof. Liu Xinmin, Member, Expert Advisory Panel on Traditional Medicine, WHO, Chief Scientist, Institute of Drug Discovery Technology, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Co-Director, Sino-Pakistan Center on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), National Administration of TCM of China. 3) Prof. Dr. Zhen Huang, (Nucleic acid research and AI expert linking it with TCM). Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei. 4) Dr. Wang Ning, Assistant Professor, Ningbo University. 5) Mr. Huang Xuanyu, Sales Manager, Technology Co., Ltd. Huaihua, Hunan and 6) Ms. Wu Zhuyi, Ningbo University.
Members from COMSTECH:
1) Ms. Khazima (Program coordinator, COMSTECH) and 2) Prof. Dr. Atia Tul Wahab (International Center of Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) University of Karachi).
1) Prof. Dr. Iqbal Nasri (FoP), 2) Dr. Ansar Abbas (FSSH), 3) Dr. Hassan Raza (FEST), 4) Dr. Ali Raza and (FMS) and 5) Prof. Kanwal (FEM)